

Ah, the beauty of Kennesaw - mountains, commercial property, a college campus and a bit of rush hour traffic gingerly spice up this area everyday.

What remains to be seen about Kennesaw is waiting to be reported on, at, but some news has peeked my interest, and may just set off the blog right -

VIDEO: Pot Bellied Pig Loose Near I-75

DOH! Not, that, I mean -

Kennesaw city looking for citizen advisers..

So, send in an application. Let your voice be heard in the town, that is becoming the next college town in GA.

March 8, 2011


... where will you be?



We all love a little free press, so why I don't I give Goodreads a simple SHOUT! shout! shout shout... Ha, see what I did there?

Anyway, moving on, Goodreads - right.

Goodreads allows you to see what your friends are reading and allows you to search and file books under bookshelves like "to-read", or "currently reading." It's use goes beyond just sharing books though, users can write reviews and recieve updates on books by current authors. The site is interactive in a sense that you can use it as much as you want, or as little, a little like facebook with more words.

But, alas, the portion where I tie goodreads and the blog (and thusly, the plan) together - the "my writing" section. Users are allowed to upload their own writings and allow others to read and comment, a very rudimentary way to self publish and get reviews. (the poor mans publisher)

This function is very useful for a number of reasons, but here I say to my followers (that's you mom haha) check out the Goodreads page every once and I while and I'll start to update it more often. Hopefully as often as this blog page.

thats all.

oh, and one more thing!

I started a new blog, its about Kennesaw, it's called Kennesaw Watch. And I live here so, why not!?

P.S. don't forget my work at the Sentinel. Expect a new piece in there soon about the New Year, c'mmmmmon front page.



Executive Producer James Cameron.
Producer Andrew Wight, who helped build the 3D technology for Avatar.
Behind the scenes exclusive courtesy Sentinel.

More coming soon...

The plan


With out a plan, where would I get the fodder for which to write on this blog? For "josh the writer" is roughly a plan in itself. The action of calling myself "the writer" creates a vacuum in which the virtual me will live in. It is the drop. The cataclyst. The genesis. In the beginning, there was darkness, then Josh said, "let there be text". In the virtual world, I am "the writer", but I am also "the creator" of my very own amusement park of text. I set the parameters and dictate the very essence to this wasteland of prose. "The procrastinator", I hesitate to announce, is the title I hold on to, day after day if I decide to neglect my duties as the writer - until I step inside the arena of the text box and mark out what the true Josh knows what must be done. But, that won't happen. I have already chosen the path and thrown down the gauntlet. "The writer" is the plan, but to what ends do I justify these means? Well I'll tell you.