

We all love a little free press, so why I don't I give Goodreads a simple SHOUT! shout! shout shout... Ha, see what I did there?

Anyway, moving on, Goodreads - right.

Goodreads allows you to see what your friends are reading and allows you to search and file books under bookshelves like "to-read", or "currently reading." It's use goes beyond just sharing books though, users can write reviews and recieve updates on books by current authors. The site is interactive in a sense that you can use it as much as you want, or as little, a little like facebook with more words.

But, alas, the portion where I tie goodreads and the blog (and thusly, the plan) together - the "my writing" section. Users are allowed to upload their own writings and allow others to read and comment, a very rudimentary way to self publish and get reviews. (the poor mans publisher)

This function is very useful for a number of reasons, but here I say to my followers (that's you mom haha) check out the Goodreads page every once and I while and I'll start to update it more often. Hopefully as often as this blog page.

thats all.

oh, and one more thing!

I started a new blog, its about Kennesaw, it's called Kennesaw Watch. And I live here so, why not!?

P.S. don't forget my work at the Sentinel. Expect a new piece in there soon about the New Year, c'mmmmmon front page.

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