(Not my dog, sad I know.)

English is my major, Film and/or Writing will be my minor.
I write for the Sentinel, KSU's student run newspaper, and I was nominated for a Student Media Award.
Internship: I am the events intern at Creative Loafing! I am going to start up a blog about it soon, be on the look out.
I've had one internship before with Appen Newspapers and had one of my features published.
Work: I have been working for Aidells Sausage Company as a sales demonstrator since May 2009.
If you see Aidells at a Costco in Atlanta (around the North end at least) I will most likely be serving you.

Play: I love Music. As you can tell if you've looked at the blog. Until I find something to write about, I will most likely just throw up the music I'm listening to at the time. I also want to be a writer, so this whole blog offers me a way to exercise my writing skills.