Hip-hop duo inspires new knowledge | The Sentinel
So, I've got the digs on this funky hip-hop duo. Their newest album, HowDoThisHappen?? released just recently and features Killer Mike, Ryp and Nesby Phips.
I.N.K. - Inspire New Knowledge: taken not only as a tight acronym, but also as a mantra for the duos professional careers, and as confessed, a power that has unlimited potential. A source, that if left untapped, can stunt the souls growth. Together, they risk to break barriers, open minds and share what was 'theirs', and is now 'ours' as collective burden to harness the life spring of potential. The group has presented itself, thus far, as a hot plate of cerebral ingenuity boiled down to some simple characteristics. Progressive thoughts. Shared experiences. Introspective minds. These things all come together and detail a supreme saga that has just yet begun.

Supreme I.N.K. - Supreme I.N.K. (previous drop)
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